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iLinux Live Updates FIX

2022-04-15 18:24

We isolated the Developer's Programming Error (Bug) that prevented iLinux Live Updates from operating normally after iLinux OS 2 "GALAXIA" 64 Bit AMD Intel - System Live Update 2.28 .

Fix iLinux Live Updates by following the Instructions below.

1. Open Application Terminal from Application Finder or by pressing Win+T.

2. Type:

sudo /iLinux/scripts/

Then Press ENTER or RETURN.

3. Wait for the sequence to finish.

4. Restart your Computer.



2022-04-17 08:00

After iLinux OS 2 "GALAXIA" 64 Bit AMD Intel - System Live Update 2.29, iLinux Live Updates operate normally.

After this Update, you can FORCE iLinux Live Updates from iLinux Software Store > Update Software > Force Live Updates.

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